About GeogEd
The Geography & Education Research Group address two main thematic areas:
Pedagogic research & evidence-based/reflective practice in geography education
The Geography & Education Research Group supports geographers interested in pedagogic research and the scholarship of teaching and learning across a variety of educational spaces. Central to the group’s focus here is enabling and facilitating high quality research in pedagogy in geography. This forms the basis for exploring the application of current research to practice enhancing the teaching and learning of geography. We also encourage reflective and reflexive practice of those contributing to geographical education; linked to professional frameworks such as the UKPSF. The group therefore provides a platform for international conversations about the value, the process, and the outcomes of such practice.
Research and inquiry into the geographies of education
The Geography & Education Research Group is interested in supporting geographical understanding of education, teaching and learning. This includes understanding of the contemporary and historic spaces in which education takes place – both formal and informal, and across the life course – and the place of education in society, the nation-state, and a globalised world. The group provides a platform for international conversations between communities of practitioners, educators (including geography teachers and lecturers), activists, and researchers.