Useful Links
Below you can find some useful links to related material and resources
GeogEd has close links to the Journal of Geography in Higher Education. The journal provides a wide range of useful resources for teaching and learning geography in higher education. We would encourage to consider publishing your work in the journal.
Prefer less formal publication or not ready to publish in a journal? You might want to consider a short article for the Teaching-focused in HE blog.
There are many online resources you can access to support your teaching and learning, here are just a few:
- Jorum, the national repository for Open Educational Resources
- LandMap
- Data sources, and secondary data analysis guidance, for Geography and Education Research
- Higher Education Resources for Geography
- New to Teaching Geography
There are a number of supportive groups and forums that you can join:
You could apply for one of the Fellowships of AdvanceHE (formerly HEA) to formally recognise your professional achievements in teaching and learning.
There is a National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) open to all HEIs that recognises oustanding individual impact.
The RGS offer a couple of teaching grants:
The RGS Taylor and Francis Award is for excellence in the promotion and practice of teaching and learning in higher education. A number of GeogEd members have received this presetigious award. Recent recipients have been:
- Prof. Nicola Thomas (2022)
- Catherine White (2021)
- Dr. James Esson (2020)
- Prof. Jennifer Hill (2019)
- Prof. Helen Walkington (2018)
There are two online journals that encourage submissions from undergraduates and sixth formers (Years 12 and 13). Some of our current committee members sit on the editorial boards of these journals, and/or are involed in peer-reveiwing articles.
- GeoVerse – an e-journal of undergraduate research in geography
- Routes – The Journal for Student Geographers