Website Redesign

We’re excited to launch the new-look

After 12 years of our old design, we thought deserved an entire-site update.

Our website refresh is far from being just visual! We’ve also implement a range of digital tools to help improve ease-of-use and the services we can offer. These include:

  • Our Events listing being fully digital – meaning automatic tracking of past/future events and the ability for you to sync or download our calendar to your online/offline planner of choice (see our Events page)
  • A News & Events section – where we can publicise relevant information, such as this post. We will also be exploring the potential to host our own blog posts on Geography Education news and articles
  • Automated contact form – for ease of contacting the group (without the need to dig out then copy and paste email addresses)
  • Search function – you can now search our entire site via the search icon on our main menu
  • Improved navigation – An all-round more seamless experience of our website on desktops or mobile browsers through both visual and structural changes
  • Manual cookies configuration – in-line with GDPR rules, we now permit cookies refusal or configuration of individual cookies on our site
  • A whole load more behind the scenes – from security improvements, improved accessibility operations, improved search engine indexing and other behind-the-scene changes

A link to a presentation showing the changes can be found here. Many thanks to Dr Kris Chan for all the effort in designing and implementing the new-look site.

The Future of

We continue to explore ideas for how we can improve our website experience further.

Some ideas we are exploring are hosting and inviting blog posts, providing live-streaming and online-participation of our events, and providing a platform to design and share interactive teaching content.

Stay tuned for any future updates! Feel free to get in touch if you had any specific comments or ideas for future improvement.