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23-24 GeogEd Dissertation Prize

We are pleased to be able to share the winner and highly commended entry for the first GeogEd dissertation prize: 

  • Winner: Emily West (University of Exeter) – Empowering Deaf individuals within educational architecture: An investigation into DeafSpace design of the Ruthan College
  • Highly Commended: Alessandro Miotto (University of Nottingham) – ‘The Reason I am Me’: Examining the Development and Progression of National Identities of Former Bangkok-Based International School Students

Congratulations to both Emily and Alessandro! 🎉

Eligible dissertations were sent to committee members for evaluation using an assessment form. The committee members involved in marking, then collectively made a decision on the overall winner and a highly commended entry having reviewed the top marked dissertations. The dissertation prize co-ordinator was independent of this process due to a conflict of interest with respect to one of the submissions.

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