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23-24 GeogEd Dissertation Prize

We are pleased to be able to share the winner and highly commended entry for the first GeogEd dissertation prize:  Congratulations to both Emily and Alessandro! 🎉 Eligible dissertations were sent to committee members for evaluation using an assessment form. The committee members involved in marking, then collectively made a decision on the overall winner and a highly…

Call for GeogEd sponsered sessions: RGS Annual International Conference 2024

Call for GeogEd sponsered sessions: RGS Annual International Conference 2024

We’d like to announce a call for GeogEd sponsored sessions for the RGS Annual International Conference 2024. The conference website contains information about the conference theme, session types, the venues, registration etc. GeogEd’s main thematic research areas include: Timeline: We’re aware this call is going out a bit later than normal and that timelines are quite tight….

RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2016 sessions

If you are interested in submitting a paper to any of these sessions please contact the session convenor. 1. The role of reflection in fieldwork Catherine White catherine.white@northumbria.ac.uk; 2. Postgraduate Innovations: Navigating the Research and Pedagogy Nexus Jennifer Pipitone, The Graduate Center, City University of New York (CUNY) & Natalie Tebbett, Loughborough University. jennifer.pipitone@gmail.com; N.Tebbett@lboro.ac.uk;…

Competition winners 2015

The HERG committee are pleased to announce the winners of this year’s undergraduate and postgraduate reflective writing prizes. The winner of the undergraduate prize is Harry West (University of the West of England) and the winner of the postgraduate prize is Tracy Hayes (University of Cumbria). Congratulations to them and thank you to all who…